viernes, 19 de abril de 2019

Kyoto 🎏

Hi friends,If you ask me for the city that I want to visit I say immediately Kyoto! I love so much the Japanese culture and the reason I want to visit Kyoto is for this. This city in the World War II was the only big city of Japan that USA didn't bomb and for this nowadays Kyoto has so much evidence of the history patrimony, the old architecture of japan, and other interesting things. An unknown data is that Kyoto in a period of the history was the capital of Japan. 

                 If I go to Kyoto in the future, I want to eat a lot of traditional japanese food, I want to knows the Maikos, I want to visit Arashiyama and Fushimi Inari Taisha. 

                 If I go, a friends of my aunt say me that I don't go alone because isn't safe. I think that I would go with my friends because they have a similar interest for the japanese cultures.

Imagen relacionada Photo: Fushimi Inari Taisha

1 comentario:

  1. We have a picture of the same place! xDD (I love Inari Taisha, is so cool *u*)


A job!