Hi friends!:)
I will talk about a TV programme that I enjoyed wathching when I was a little girl. The name of the programme is The Simpsons. I don't know when I started to watching this, I think that when I was 5 years old. It 's a serie that all the chileans people saw in a some moment of their life. The serie is about The Simpsons, a normal American family. Episode to episode the audience can see diferentet situation that the characteres have in their life. The TV programme was on all the afternoon of the week at 6pm in the Tele13 Canal.
I enjoyed so much the programme, I don't know why, I think that I enjoyed because I loved the "aventures" of the charapteres and I thought that they was very funny. Today I continued watching the serie.
Now I love the animation of the programme and I think that the history is very interesting because I understand very well the storyline.
A interesting information about The Simpsons is that it has episodes that the charapteres are a animation of the famous persons of the real life, people like Stan Lee, Micheal Jackson, Mick Jagger, and other persons. Other data is that the serie has 30 seasons. I like all the seasons, But I love so much the old seasons -the 1st to the 16th-.

Literally all the WORLD has seen The Simpsons in some moment of their life XD... but I don't know if "The Simpsons" really are a typical American Family jasjdaja