Friday, 3 May 2019
Hi friends,
Good day
for everybody, today I will talk about a job that i love to do, it's to sell
antiques -old things- in the fair. In all my life I don’t do a lot of jobs.
I've do thing like: take a shower to the pets, help to my uncle in his
minimarket, sell clothes in the fair and other, but the best job definilly was
to sell antiques with my uncle Daniel -the little brother of my mom- I love so
much all the thing that he has in his store and I love that all this things has
a story before. I think that it's a very interesting job because you should
know a lot of stories of the object and a lot of the history of the context of
the object. In this case, I love the history! And know the story of the
antiques is very remember easy for me. Finally, i enjoy to help to my uncle and
it's very fun.

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