miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

Japan! The country that I want to going in the future

Hi everybody! how are you

Today I want to tell you about my dream! This dream is a travel to Japan, this amazing country.

When I was a little girl, I dreamed with travel around the world (Now is the same, this doesn't change HAHAHA) but when I was 10 year old, I started to watch anime! Behind this I was interested about the asian culture, specifically to the Japan culture.

I think that this country has a very complete culture. The technology, the food, the urban tribes, the entertainment, almost all the thing about Japan is interesting

One time a Japanese woman tell me that If I want to travel to japan, i will not should to go alone.

Still so I want to go, alone or with company!  I want to Visit to the Fuji mountain, eat a lot of food, wear a traditional costume, look a lot os technology and use to this too, visit Kyoto and travel around his amazing architecture. I'm expectant for visit the place and know/learn a lot of thing about this

I think that the experience will be amazing and I hope that this be real in a some  moment! Thank for read my dreams! Bye

Source: https://www.ticbeat.com/

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi! the Fuji mountain is really mysterious, I really want to go someday too!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. amazing country! such interesting places. Hopefully we find there!

  5. yees!must to be a very interesting place, y would like to know more about their culture

  6. wooo, this sounds really cool! I would also like to go to Japan :3


A job!