martes, 25 de junio de 2019

The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly

Hi friends!

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The Book!
Today I will talk about my favourite book of the life!
When a were a little girl I don't like reading a lot. I don't know why but the books don't attract my attention, I read a lot for the school, but until I were 10 years old I didn't like any. It was at the end of the fourth basic that a book attract me, this book was "The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly" this book is a latinoamerican novel created by Luis Sepúlveda a Chilean writer, journalist and filmmaker, author of stories and novels. In this book he talk about themes like the diversity, respect and solidarity between the deferent ethnic groups and biologies.
I love this story, it was the first book that make me feel a lot of emotions, laughter and cries. I think that it's a amazing form of tell a story with a difficult and important content of a form that  all the people can understand, a story for young and old.
I think that it's a book very important for the kids and all should read it sometime.
Today I love read different types of book, all thank to the story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly.  

Nintendo DSi XL!

Hi friends!! :T

Today I will talk about my favourite piece of technology. Since I were a little girl I loved the video games. In these times my cousins played all the time with their consoles. I didn't have anywhere to play and for this I was passing a lot hours watched how they play. Time after, in the Christmas of 2011, my parents gave me a Nintendo DSi XL, this console was the first that I had and I enjoyed a lot! I played game like the Sims, Pokemon black and Mario Kart, this last game was the I liked more. This console of Nintendo is a portable, you can play with it anywhere! Another of the characteristics that it has is the integrated "games". Other thing is the camera, in this time the smartphone didn't exist, and neither the apps for edit photos, the console had photo editor integred, and this was very interesting and funny!       
Nowadays I don't continued playing with my console like before but sometime I grab my Nintendo and use it.

Resultado de imagen para juegos integrados en la dsi xl
I have the black!!

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

My University Friends

Hi everybody!:D

Today I will talk about my university friends!
When I went to the school I didn't have many friends but now in the university I have a lot of they. All my friends are very important for me because they help me in the daily of the university and the life. Is for this that I can’t talk about only one person. I knowns my friends in 2017 when we start the university in our first workshop -Vielma's Workshop - our first group were the Cata, Gabo, Barb and I but with the time has been joined more people, like the Pipe, Vale, Den, Paulo, Nico and Nati. I love so much all them because they are very funny and comprehensive with me. The best is that we are in the good and in the bad. With my Friends we go to someone's house - generally my house - and we have a little parties, we watch movies, talking and listen to music. We want that in the next holidays we will go to vacation to some place, for example to the beach or the south to Chiloe -In the house of Paulo-. I'm very excited for the next summer's holiday


With Cata in  fau's bathroom. 
An unforeseen  photo. Gabo and I, after a nap. 
The fall of Pipe 
The Valentina's mornings! 
The tattoo Session.
A day in my house. Friends: Vale, Gabo, I, Pipe and Santiago. 

domingo, 9 de junio de 2019

Depeche Mode

I didn't have the chance to go to all the concerts that I wanted but I had the lucky to went to the concert of my Favourite Band, Depeche Mode. They are principally an English electronic band but they play other genres too like new wave and synth pop. The present member of the band are Martin Gore, Dave Gahan and Andy Fletcher
The opportunity of go to the concert was given the last year, the march 21st. This day the band presented the "global spirit tour" in the National Stadium of Chile.
This experience was amazing! The voice of Dave is the same that all these songs that I listened for all the years that I follow the band, the sound was simply amazing. In this occasion I went alone and think that this allowed me enjoy even more.
In other point, the stage was very interesting, they used the video clips of the songs but I think that this option didn't the best because all the public couldn't see the show as the national stadium is very big.
But the important for me is the sound, and this was fantastic! I loved and I continue love this amazing concert!

The spring water

When I was a little girl I lived in a town called Pedegua, it's a place wrapped of hills and mountains. Pedegua is located in Chile, in the V region (region of Valparaiso), this town has foothills climate, it's very variable and this look some arid.
In this time I loved taking different walks every weekends. I walk around with my sister and friends. Of all those walks, when I went to the spring water was the occasion that I liked more. I don't remember when I went, I think that I were 10-12 years old. In this occasion I went with my little uncle, the brother of my mom and Damian, a dog of my grandparents, it was a very special dog, like a brother. The hill isn't very famous and doesn't has name but the final of the walk called the "El Manantial" (the spring water). The travel was very funny, we could look all the town from the height. When we arrived we saw a lot of animals like cows and goats drinking from the spring waters. It was very nice!
I would go again because in this moment I loved the ideal of a natural spring waters in a place that is very arid and how it help to the animal's survival, this look was very interesting, nice and exciting.

Pedegua, central streep. Source:

A job!