martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Future Jobs!

Hi everybody today I will talk about the job that I want for my future 

Ok,This is very hard for me, I don't know that I want really...  Nowaday I'm an architecture student but about all that saw in the university I think that I dont have something that I really liked. Of course, of all I prefer something (in this case the urbanism) but I dont know how will be a job about this, I cant imagen I in this, is really sad. But if I should having a specialization obviously I will do in the landscape and territory topic, because is the theme that I enjoy more!

About the salary, really I don't know, I don't expect to be a rich person, Only I want to be a happy persona, with a valued work and will be help for someone .

And this, in the future I expect be happy with everything that I will do and I want continued learning things about the topics that I like, and if is possible "take the taste" about more topics. I think that If you are not happy with the thing that you do, this jobs isn't the correct and this ins't helth for you soul and the people around you. 

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020

An embarrassing moment!

Hi everybody! Today I talk about the most embarrassing moment that I had.

Really i don't remember exactly an embarrassing moment only because all my life is an embarrassing moment...I want starting with the idea of a meme

Literally this meme is me all the nights. I feel that a lot of things that I say is embarrassing, for example... In some moments I can't stop to talking and anything that I say is nothing because my nerves will not let me in peace! I'm a very nervous person and this is a problem in my life. I feel that all that I say or I do is embarrassing or bad. Even... In this blog I feel this embarrassing moment hahaha so sorry. For this, I can't remember only one moment that I feel embarrassing, My mind be cloudy 
So.. I have an embarrassing story very funny of my little sis for you! she was only six years old, a little girl and she love wear panties with animals prints like the face of lions, dogs, cats, etc. One day she fell in her school and all the people saw her panties! This is the most embarrassing moment of her life. Nowadays  she is sixteen years old and never more wore  animals prints panties... So sad:(

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

Rivera Maya!

 Hi everybody, today I want to tell you about a very strange holiday that I had. The last two semester  I was on an exchange in Mexico but all the Covid-19 happened. In the first I couldn't visit all that I wanted and the Rivera Maya was one of the place. 
In July is my Birthday and my boyfriend and his sister invited to me to go to visit a little this place. I didn't want because virus Hahaha but they convinced me. We went for 6 days, we stayed in a hotel in Cancún, It was very cool, I'm never had stay in a hotel like this or swam on a hot beach. The next days we Visited Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres and Xcaret, all this places are amazing, these place has a very magic vibe.
The best part was when We went to Xcaret! This is a nature park in Playa del Carmen, that has like 50 natural and cultural attractions inspired in Mexico, is very funny, in all the day we didn't stop. We swam with fishes, we looked the naturales spaces and finally we watched the principal attraction, a show about tha history and different mexican cultures.
This was my experience, I hope that you like it! bye. 


miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

Japan! The country that I want to going in the future

Hi everybody! how are you

Today I want to tell you about my dream! This dream is a travel to Japan, this amazing country.

When I was a little girl, I dreamed with travel around the world (Now is the same, this doesn't change HAHAHA) but when I was 10 year old, I started to watch anime! Behind this I was interested about the asian culture, specifically to the Japan culture.

I think that this country has a very complete culture. The technology, the food, the urban tribes, the entertainment, almost all the thing about Japan is interesting

One time a Japanese woman tell me that If I want to travel to japan, i will not should to go alone.

Still so I want to go, alone or with company!  I want to Visit to the Fuji mountain, eat a lot of food, wear a traditional costume, look a lot os technology and use to this too, visit Kyoto and travel around his amazing architecture. I'm expectant for visit the place and know/learn a lot of thing about this

I think that the experience will be amazing and I hope that this be real in a some  moment! Thank for read my dreams! Bye


sábado, 6 de julio de 2019

The most beautiful photo

17 may!

hi everybody!

Welcome to my blog!:D today I will talk about a family photo that  I love so much. 

This was taken when I were a little girl. In this appear my mom -the woman with the blonde hair and white t-shirt- my dad - the man with scratched t-shirt- my grandpa and my grandma -the parents of my mom-, my aunt moni - the woman with glasses, sister of my mom- my uncles -the brothers of my mom and the husband of my aunt moni- my cousin -the little boy with the little dog, the son of my aunt Moni- and finally the ex-girlfriend of my uncle.
Really I don't remember a lot of thing of this photo. I think that we were in a barbaque and someone wanted take a photo, I don't remember who take the photo or how take this but regardless the situation I think that the pic is so beautiful because a lot of persons of my family appear in this, like my grandpa that is dead or my aunt Moni, her husband and her son that they are in USA and we can’t see they everyday or all the time and for this I think that it is an amazing remember for the life!

And this! It’s the photo that I like more, all they were happy for a moment and when they see this are excited    

viernes, 5 de julio de 2019


Friday, 3 May 2019

Hi friends,

Resultado de imagen para antiguedadesGood day for everybody, today I will talk about a job that i love to do, it's to sell antiques -old things- in the fair. In all my life I don’t do a lot of jobs. I've do thing like: take a shower to the pets, help to my uncle in his minimarket, sell clothes in the fair and other, but the best job definilly was to sell antiques with my uncle Daniel -the little brother of my mom- I love so much all the thing that he has in his store and I love that all this things has a story before. I think that it's a very interesting job because you should know a lot of stories of the object and a lot of the history of the context of the object. In this case, I love the history! And know the story of the antiques is very remember easy for me. Finally, i enjoy to help to my uncle and it's very fun. 

martes, 25 de junio de 2019

The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly

Hi friends!

Imagen relacionada
The Book!
Today I will talk about my favourite book of the life!
When a were a little girl I don't like reading a lot. I don't know why but the books don't attract my attention, I read a lot for the school, but until I were 10 years old I didn't like any. It was at the end of the fourth basic that a book attract me, this book was "The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly" this book is a latinoamerican novel created by Luis Sepúlveda a Chilean writer, journalist and filmmaker, author of stories and novels. In this book he talk about themes like the diversity, respect and solidarity between the deferent ethnic groups and biologies.
I love this story, it was the first book that make me feel a lot of emotions, laughter and cries. I think that it's a amazing form of tell a story with a difficult and important content of a form that  all the people can understand, a story for young and old.
I think that it's a book very important for the kids and all should read it sometime.
Today I love read different types of book, all thank to the story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly.  

Nintendo DSi XL!

Hi friends!! :T

Today I will talk about my favourite piece of technology. Since I were a little girl I loved the video games. In these times my cousins played all the time with their consoles. I didn't have anywhere to play and for this I was passing a lot hours watched how they play. Time after, in the Christmas of 2011, my parents gave me a Nintendo DSi XL, this console was the first that I had and I enjoyed a lot! I played game like the Sims, Pokemon black and Mario Kart, this last game was the I liked more. This console of Nintendo is a portable, you can play with it anywhere! Another of the characteristics that it has is the integrated "games". Other thing is the camera, in this time the smartphone didn't exist, and neither the apps for edit photos, the console had photo editor integred, and this was very interesting and funny!       
Nowadays I don't continued playing with my console like before but sometime I grab my Nintendo and use it.

Resultado de imagen para juegos integrados en la dsi xl
I have the black!!

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

My University Friends

Hi everybody!:D

Today I will talk about my university friends!
When I went to the school I didn't have many friends but now in the university I have a lot of they. All my friends are very important for me because they help me in the daily of the university and the life. Is for this that I can’t talk about only one person. I knowns my friends in 2017 when we start the university in our first workshop -Vielma's Workshop - our first group were the Cata, Gabo, Barb and I but with the time has been joined more people, like the Pipe, Vale, Den, Paulo, Nico and Nati. I love so much all them because they are very funny and comprehensive with me. The best is that we are in the good and in the bad. With my Friends we go to someone's house - generally my house - and we have a little parties, we watch movies, talking and listen to music. We want that in the next holidays we will go to vacation to some place, for example to the beach or the south to Chiloe -In the house of Paulo-. I'm very excited for the next summer's holiday


With Cata in  fau's bathroom. 
An unforeseen  photo. Gabo and I, after a nap. 
The fall of Pipe 
The Valentina's mornings! 
The tattoo Session.
A day in my house. Friends: Vale, Gabo, I, Pipe and Santiago. 

A job!